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The A-Z of books below contains all illustrations, comics, magazines and book cover paintings.
- Cases of Hetman Ambroz
- Castle of Wizardry 4.
- Cimmerian Rage
- Clifts of Shout
- Cloud
- Colossal Arena
- Computerworld
- Conan - Killer of Kings
- Conan - Sun of Jengir
- Conan - The Temple of Daemons
- Conan and Great Game
- Conan and Sword Yggrest
- Conan in The Maze of Mirrors
- Conan Unrelenting
- Continuation of Diplomacy
- Contract of elements
- Crazy Pet
- Crystal Dragon
- Crystal Rain
- Cujo
- Curse of Chalion
- Chapterhouse: Dune
- Child of a Dead God
- Children of Dragon
- Christmas Stars
- The Cat Who, Walks Throught Walls
- The Caves of Steel
- The Complete Asimov
- The Complete Robot
- The Complete Robot